All Classes and Interfaces

An attribute has scope, context, and name and is used for value access.
A JSTL attribute name without any specific scope or context.
A name without any specific scope or context.
Supports attributes in contexts of types ServletContext, ServletRequest, HttpSession, and JspContext.
Supports scope attributes in scopes of contexts types ServletContext, ServletRequest, HttpSession, and JspContext.
Registers unwrapping of BodyContentImpl in Coercion.registerOptimizer(com.aoapps.lang.CoercionOptimizer).
Coordinates when canonical URLs should be generated during response URL rewriting (such as information added when cookies are disabled).
A specifically resolved context, such as JspContext, ServletRequest, HttpSession, and ServletContext.
AttributeEE: Has page scope and context, still needs name.
AttributeEE: Has request scope and context, still needs name.
AttributeEE: Has session scope and context, still needs name.
Helper utility to set, get, remove, encode, and decode cookies.
Static utilities that may be useful by servlet/JSP/taglib environments.
Allows any user with the role of translator to edit the translation of the site.
Static utilities for Expression Language.
Static utilities that may be useful by servlet/JSP/taglib environments.
Performs an include while allowing SkipPageException and sendError to escape the include.
A biconsumer that is allowed to throw JspException and IOException.
A biconsumer that is allowed to throw JspException, IOException, and a checked exception.
A consumer that is allowed to throw JspException and IOException.
A consumer that is allowed to throw JspException, IOException, and a checked exception.
A function that is allowed to throw JspException and IOException.
A function that is allowed to throw JspException, IOException, and a checked exception.
A predicate that is allowed to throw JspException and IOException.
A predicate that is allowed to throw JspException, IOException, and a checked exception.
A runnable that is allowed to throw JspException and IOException.
A runnable that is allowed to throw JspException, IOException, and a checked exception.
A supplier that is allowed to throw JspException and IOException.
A supplier that is allowed to throw JspException, IOException, and a checked exception.
Static utilities for JSP taglibs.
Extends JspException to provide exceptions with user locale error messages.
Extends JspTagException to provide exceptions with user locale error messages.
Extends ServletException to provide exceptions with user locale error messages.
Discards all output.
Discards all data.
Property utilities for servlet environments.
The most broad concept is scope, including page, request, session, and application.
AttributeEE: Has application scope, still needs context and name.
AttributeEE: Has application scope and name, still needs context.
AttributeEE: Has scope and name, still needs context.
AttributeEE: Has page scope, still needs context and name.
AttributeEE: Has page scope and name, still needs context.
AttributeEE: Has request scope, still needs context and name.
AttributeEE: Has request scope and name, still needs context.
AttributeEE: Has session scope, still needs context and name.
AttributeEE: Has session scope and name, still needs context.
A biconsumer that is allowed to throw ServletException and IOException.
A biconsumer that is allowed to throw ServletException, IOException, and a checked exception.
A consumer that is allowed to throw ServletException and IOException.
A consumer that is allowed to throw ServletException, IOException, and a checked exception.
ServletContext methods can be somewhat slow, this offers a cache that refreshes the recently used values in the background.
Initializes the cache during application start-up.
A function that is allowed to throw ServletException and IOException.
A function that is allowed to throw ServletException, IOException, and a checked exception.
A predicate that is allowed to throw ServletException and IOException.
A predicate that is allowed to throw ServletException, IOException, and a checked exception.
Gets unmodifiable parameters from the provided request.
A runnable that is allowed to throw ServletException and IOException.
A runnable that is allowed to throw ServletException, IOException, and a checked exception.
A supplier that is allowed to throw ServletException and IOException.
A supplier that is allowed to throw ServletException, IOException, and a checked exception.
Static utilities that may be useful by servlet/JSP/taglib environments.
Sets the resource bundle value.