
public final class Images extends Object
AO Industries, Inc.
  • Method Details

    • getRGBArray

      public static int[] getRGBArray(int width, int height)
      Gets an array big enough to hold the pixels for an image of the given size. The array is not populated.
    • getRGBArray

      public static int[] getRGBArray(Dimension size)
      Gets an array big enough to hold the pixels for an image of the given size. The array is not populated.
    • getRGBArray

      public static int[] getRGBArray(BufferedImage image)
      Gets an array big enough to hold the provided image pixels. The array is not populated.
    • getRGB

      public static int[] getRGB(BufferedImage image)
      Gets the RGB pixels for the given image into a new array.
    • getRGB

      public static void getRGB(BufferedImage image, int[] pixels)
      Gets the RGB pixels for the given image into the given array.
    • findImage

      public static Point findImage(BufferedImage image, BufferedImage findme, double tolerance)
      Finds one image within another.
      tolerance - The portion of red, green, and blue differences allowed before ignoring a certain location. Zero implies an exact match.
      The top-left point where the top left of the image is found or null if not found within tolerance.
    • findImage

      public static Point findImage(int[] imagePixels, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int[] findmePixels, int findmeWidth, int findmeHeight, double tolerance)
      Finds one image within another.
      tolerance - The portion of red, green, and blue differences allowed before ignoring a certain location. Zero implies an exact match.
      The top-left point where the top left of the image is found or null if not found within tolerance.
    • getImageFromResources

      public static Image getImageFromResources(FunctionE<? super String,? extends InputStream,? extends IOException> getResourceAsStream, String name) throws IOException
      Loads an image from a resource using the default toolkit.
    • getImageFromResources

      public static Image getImageFromResources(FunctionE<? super String,? extends InputStream,? extends IOException> getResourceAsStream, String name, Toolkit toolkit) throws IOException
      Loads an image from a resource using the provided toolkit.