TABLE NAMEfile_backup_settings
DESCRIPTIONThe file_backup_settings table overrides everything in the backup
system except file_backup_devices . COLUMNScolumn | type | null | unique | references | referenced_by | since_version | description |
pkey | pkey | false | true | | | 1.0a100 | a generated primary key | replication | fkey | false | false | failover_file_replications.pkey | | 1.31 | the pkey of the failover_file_replication configured | path | string | false | false | | | 1.0a100 | the path to control | backup_enabled | boolean | false | false | | | 1.31 | the enabled flag for this prefix | required | boolean | false | false | | | 1.62 | indicates that backup pass will not be considered successful if file or path is missing |