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Billing Cycle
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Billing Cycle Policy

All billing is based on a monthly billing cycle. For those who pay on a quarterly or yearly basis, their payment is initially treated as a credit, which is drawn from once per month. Clients also have the option to enable automatic monthly payments via credit card or bank card.

A month of service is from the 20th through the 19th of the following month.

The monthly billing occurs as follows:

Day of Month Actions Taken
  1. Add resource fees for the previous month (20th-19th)
  2. Add base package fees for the next month (20th-19th)
  3. Email an invoice / balance summary to any active account or inactive account with a non-zero balance
1st First, we process automatic payments from credit cards and bank cards

Payment is due by the 1st of the month. We provide one month leniency, allowing our customers time to deal with any complications that may arise in their organizations. Those who have a balance greater than or equal to twice their monthly fee and have not paid for over a month will be notified via email that their account may be disabled for non-payment on the 7th.

The contact for these emails is the billing contact in the account profile. Please make sure the email addresses provided in the Account Profile Control Panel are up to date.
7th Delinquent accounts are disabled for non-payment. This results in a black disabled screen on web sites, and access to all other services is disabled. While disabled, inbound emails are queued in the inboxes, but may not be downloaded. An account will be automatically enabled once a credit card or bank card payment is made in the payment form. Once enabled, service will return to normal within a few minutes and all emails will be available for download.

If you believe your account may have been disabled, you may check the status of your account in the Disable Control Panel.
