Interface Table<T extends Row>

public interface Table<T extends Row>
An abstract structure for tables.
AO Industries, Inc.
  • Method Details

    • addTableListener

      void addTableListener(TableListener listener)
      Registers a TableListener to be notified when the cached data for this table expires. The default batching is used.
      See Also:
    • addTableListener

      void addTableListener(TableListener listener, long batchTime)
      Registers a TableListener to be notified when the cached data for this table expires. Repetitive incoming requests will be batched into fewer events, in increments provided by batchTime. If batchTime is 0, the event is immediately and always distributed. Batched events are performed in concurrent Threads, while immediate events are triggered by the central cache invalidation thread. In other words, don't use a batchTime of zero unless you absolutely need your code to run immediately, because it causes serial processing of the event and may potentially slow down the responsiveness of the server.
    • removeTableListener

      void removeTableListener(TableListener listener)
      Removes a TableListener from the list of objects being notified when the data is updated.
    • getRows

      List<T> getRows() throws IOException, SQLException
    • getTableName

      String getTableName() throws IOException, SQLException