All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- addDom0(String, int, ProcessorType, ProcessorArchitecture, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Cluster
Adds a Dom0 to the cluster returning the reference to the new cluster object.
- addDom0Disk(String, String, int) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Cluster
Adds a disk to the server with the provided hostname, returns the new cluster.
- addDomU(String, int, int, ProcessorType, ProcessorArchitecture, int, short, short, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Cluster
Adds a DomU to the cluster returning the reference to new cluster.
- addDomUConfiguration(DomU, Dom0, Dom0) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ClusterConfiguration
Adds a domU to the configuration.
- addDomUDisk(String, String, int, int, short) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Cluster
Adds a disk to this virtual server, returns the new cluster.
- addDomUDiskConfiguration(DomU, DomUDisk, List<PhysicalVolumeConfiguration>, List<PhysicalVolumeConfiguration>) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ClusterConfiguration
Adds a domU disk to the configuration.
- addPhysicalVolume(String, String, short, long) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Cluster
Adds a physical volume to this disk, returns the new cluster.
- AlertLevel - Enum in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze
For each check, assigns a level associated with any problems.
- allowsPathThroughCritical() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ClusterOptimizer
When true, a transition from non-critical to critical will be allowed.
- AnalyzedClusterConfiguration - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze
Analyzes the cluster to find anything that is not optimal.
- AnalyzedClusterConfiguration(ClusterConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedClusterConfiguration
Analyzes the cluster looking for any non-optimal configurations.
- AnalyzedClusterConfigurationPrinter - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze
Prints an
to aPrintWriter
. - AnalyzedDom0Configuration - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze
Analyzes a single Dom0 to find anything that is not optimal.
- AnalyzedDom0Configuration(ClusterConfiguration, Dom0) - Constructor for class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0Configuration
Creates a new
. - AnalyzedDom0DiskConfiguration - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze
Analyzes a single Dom0Disk to find anything that is not optimal.
- AnalyzedDom0DiskConfiguration(ClusterConfiguration, Dom0Disk) - Constructor for class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0DiskConfiguration
Creates a new configuration.
- BooleanResult - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze
Stores an AlertLevel, a value, and a textual message.
- Cluster - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
A cluster contains all of the definitions for virtual and physical resources required and available, but nothing about the current mapping between them.
- Cluster(String) - Constructor for class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Cluster
Creates a new, empty cluster.
- ClusterConfiguration - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
A ClusterConfiguration contains one possible configuration of a cluster.
- ClusterConfiguration(Cluster) - Constructor for class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ClusterConfiguration
Creates a new
. - ClusterOptimizer - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize
Optimizes the cluster using a best-first heuristic search.
- ClusterOptimizer(ClusterConfiguration, HeuristicFunction, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ClusterOptimizer
Creates a new cluster optimizer for the given configuration and heuristic.
- com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster - module com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
- com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster - package com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
- com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze - package com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze
- com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize - package com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize
- compareTo(AnalyzedDom0DiskConfiguration) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0DiskConfiguration
Sorted ascending.
- compareTo(Result<?>) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.Result
Sorted by label.
- compareTo(Cluster) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Cluster
Sorted ascending.
- compareTo(ClusterConfiguration) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ClusterConfiguration
Sorted ascending.
- compareTo(Dom0) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0
Sorted ascending.
- compareTo(Dom0Disk) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0Disk
Sorted ascending.
- compareTo(DomU) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomU
Sorted ascending.
- compareTo(DomUConfiguration) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUConfiguration
- compareTo(DomUDisk) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUDisk
Sorted ascending.
- compareTo(DomUDiskConfiguration) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUDiskConfiguration
Sorted ascending.
- compareTo(ListElement) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ListElement
Sorted by heuristic value, lowest to highest.
- compareTo(PhysicalVolume) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolume
Sorted ascending.
- compareTo(PhysicalVolumeConfiguration) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfiguration
Sorted ascending.
- contains(Object) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.UnmodifiableArrayList
- CORE - Enum constant in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ProcessorType
- CORE2 - Enum constant in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ProcessorType
- CRITICAL - Enum constant in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AlertLevel
Indicates the resource is not runnable.
- Dom0 - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
One Xen dom0 cluster member.
- Dom0Disk - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
A physical disk that is used for LVM.
- DomU - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
Represents one virtual server and its required resources.
- DomUConfiguration - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
One Xen domU configuration.
- DomUDisk - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
A single virtual disk device and its requirements.
- DomUDiskConfiguration - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
One Xen domU disk configuration.
- equals(ClusterConfiguration) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ClusterConfiguration
Performs a deep field-by-field comparison to see if two configurations are identical in every way.
- equals(DomUConfiguration) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUConfiguration
Performs a deep field-by-field comparison to see if two configurations are identical in every way.
- equals(DomUDiskConfiguration) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUDiskConfiguration
Performs a deep field-by-field comparison to see if two configurations are identical in every way.
- equals(PhysicalVolumeConfiguration) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfiguration
Performs a deep field-by-field comparison to see if two configurations are identical in every way.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ClusterConfiguration
Performs a deep field-by-field comparison to see if two configurations are identical in every way.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUConfiguration
Performs a deep field-by-field comparison to see if two configurations are identical in every way.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUDiskConfiguration
Performs a deep field-by-field comparison to see if two configurations are identical in every way.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfiguration
Performs a deep field-by-field comparison to see if two configurations are identical in every way.
- ExponentialDeviationHeuristicFunction - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize
Adds up all the non-optimal states of the analyzed cluster giving more weight to higher level problems.
- ExponentialDeviationHeuristicFunction() - Constructor for class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ExponentialDeviationHeuristicFunction
- ExponentialDeviationWithNoneHeuristicFunction - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize
Adds up all the non-optimal states of the analyzed cluster giving more weight to higher level problems.
- ExponentialDeviationWithNoneHeuristicFunction() - Constructor for class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ExponentialDeviationWithNoneHeuristicFunction
- ExponentialHeuristicFunction - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize
Adds up all the non-optimal states of the analyzed cluster giving more weight to higher level problems.
- ExponentialHeuristicFunction() - Constructor for class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ExponentialHeuristicFunction
- EXTENTS_SIZE - Static variable in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUDisk
This is the standard size of the extents in bytes.
- get(int) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.UnmodifiableArrayList
- getAlertLevel() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.Result
- getAllocatedWeightResult(ResultHandler<? super Integer>, AlertLevel) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0DiskConfiguration
Gets the free allocation disk weight.
- getAllResults(ResultHandler<Object>, AlertLevel) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedClusterConfiguration
This convience method will obtain all the different results.
- getAllResults(ResultHandler<Object>, AlertLevel) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0Configuration
- getAllResults(ResultHandler<Object>, AlertLevel) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0DiskConfiguration
- getAnalyzedDom0Configurations() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedClusterConfiguration
Gets the unmodifiable list of analyzed Dom0 configuration results.
- getCluster() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ClusterConfiguration
- getClusterConfiguration() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedClusterConfiguration
Gets the cluster configuration that is analyzed.
- getClusterConfiguration() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0Configuration
- getClusterConfiguration() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0DiskConfiguration
- getClusterConfiguration() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ClusterOptimizer
Gets the starting clusterConfiguration.
- getClusterConfiguration() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ListElement
- getClusterName() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0
- getClusterName() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0Disk
- getClusterName() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomU
- getClusterName() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUDisk
- getClusterName() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolume
- getDeviation() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.Result
Gets the relative amount of devation the value is from the expected/maximum value.
- getDevice() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0Disk
Gets the per-Dom0 unique device name.
- getDevice() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUDisk
Gets the per-DomU unique device ID (usually /dev/xvd[a-z]).
- getDevice() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolume
- getDiskSpeed() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0Disk
- getDiskSpeedResults(ResultHandler<? super Integer>, AlertLevel) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0DiskConfiguration
Gets the unsorted, unmodifiable list of results per DomUDisk.
- getDom0() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0Configuration
- getDom0(String) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Cluster
Gets a specific Dom0 by name or
if not found. - getDom0Disk() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0DiskConfiguration
- getDom0Disk(String) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0
Gets a specific disk by its device name or
if not found. - getDom0Disks() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0Configuration
Gets the unsorted, unmodifiable list of results for each disk.
- getDom0Disks() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0
Gets the unmodifiable list of disks.
- getDom0Hostname() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0Disk
- getDom0Hostname() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolume
- getDom0s() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Cluster
Gets an unmodifiable set of Dom0s.
- getDomU() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUConfiguration
- getDomU() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.MigrateTransition
- getDomU() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.MoveSecondaryTransition
- getDomU(String) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Cluster
Gets a specific DomU by name or
if not found. - getDomUConfiguration(DomU) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ClusterConfiguration
Gets the cluster configuration for the provided DomU.
- getDomUConfigurations() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ClusterConfiguration
Gets an unmodifiable list of all configured DomUs.
- getDomUDisk() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUDiskConfiguration
- getDomUDisk(String) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomU
Gets the disk with the provided device name or
if not found. - getDomUDiskConfigurations() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUConfiguration
Gets the unmodifiable list of disk configurations currently set on this domU.
- getDomUDisks() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomU
Gets the unmodifiable set of virtual disks.
- getDomUHostname() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUDisk
- getDomUs() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Cluster
Gets an unmodifiable set of DomUs.
- getExtents() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUDisk
Gets the number of LVM extents this virtual disk requires.
- getExtents() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolume
- getExtents() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfiguration
Gets the number of extents.
- getExtents() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfigurationInt
- getExtents() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfigurationLong
- getExtents() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfigurationShort
- getFirstLogicalExtent() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfiguration
Gets the first logical extent.
- getFirstLogicalExtent() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfigurationInt
- getFirstLogicalExtent() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfigurationLong
- getFirstLogicalExtent() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfigurationShort
- getFirstPhysicalExtent() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfiguration
Gets the first physical extent.
- getFirstPhysicalExtent() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfigurationInt
- getFirstPhysicalExtent() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfigurationLong
- getFirstPhysicalExtent() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfigurationShort
- getHeuristic() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ListElement
- getHeuristic(ClusterConfiguration, int) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ExponentialDeviationHeuristicFunction
- getHeuristic(ClusterConfiguration, int) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ExponentialDeviationWithNoneHeuristicFunction
- getHeuristic(ClusterConfiguration, int) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ExponentialHeuristicFunction
- getHeuristic(ClusterConfiguration, int) - Method in interface com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.HeuristicFunction
Estimates the number of moves to an optimal state.
- getHeuristic(ClusterConfiguration, int) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.LeastInformedHeuristicFunction
- getHeuristic(ClusterConfiguration, int) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.LinearHeuristicFunction
- getHeuristic(ClusterConfiguration, int) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.RandomHeuristicFunction
- getHeuristic(ClusterConfiguration, int) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.SimpleHeuristicFunction
- getHeuristicFunction() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ClusterOptimizer
Gets the heuristic function used during the search.
- getHostname() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0
- getHostname() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomU
Gets the cluster-wide unique name.
- getLabel() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.Result
- getMaxValue() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.BooleanResult
Gets the maximum value for the resource.
- getMaxValue() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.IntResult
Gets the maximum value for the resource.
- getMaxValue() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.ObjectResult
Gets the maximum value for the resource or
if unavailable. - getMaxValue() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.Result
Gets the maximum value for the resource or
if unavailable. - getMinimumDiskSpeed() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUDisk
Gets the minimum disk speed or
if doesn't matter. - getMinimumProcessorArchitecture() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomU
Gets the minimum processor architecture.
- getMinimumProcessorSpeed() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomU
Gets the minimum processor speed in MHz or
for no special requirements. - getMinimumProcessorType() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomU
Gets the minimum processor type for the VM or
if there are no special requirements. - getName() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Cluster
- getNewSecondaryDom0() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.MoveSecondaryTransition
- getOldPrimaryDom0() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.MigrateTransition
- getOldSecondaryDom0() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.MigrateTransition
- getOldSecondaryDom0() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.MoveSecondaryTransition
- getOptimizedClusterConfiguration() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ClusterOptimizer
Optimizes the cluster and returns the path to the first optimal configuration found or
if no optimal configuration was found. - getOptimizedClusterConfiguration(OptimizedClusterConfigurationHandler) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ClusterOptimizer
Optimizes the cluster and returns the best path (possibly limited by an OptimizedResultHandler) or
if no optimal configuration was found. - getPartition() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolume
- getPathLen() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ListElement
- getPhysicalVolume() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfiguration
- getPhysicalVolume(short) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0Disk
Gets the physical volume for the specified partition number of
if not found. - getPhysicalVolumes() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0Disk
Gets the unmodifiable set of physical volumes for this disk.
- getPrevious() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ListElement
- getPrimaryDom0() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUConfiguration
Gets the current primary Dom0 for this machine.
- getPrimaryPhysicalVolumeConfigurations() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUDiskConfiguration
Gets the unmodifiable sorted list of physical volumes that back this device.
- getPrimaryProcessorWeightResult(ResultHandler<? super Integer>, AlertLevel) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0Configuration
Gets the free primary processor weight.
- getPrimaryRam() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomU
Gets the amount of RAM needed in primary mode (in MB).
- getPrimaryRamResult(ResultHandler<? super Integer>, AlertLevel) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0Configuration
Gets the results for primary RAM allocation.
- getProcessorArchitecture() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0
- getProcessorArchitectureResults(ResultHandler<? super ProcessorArchitecture>, AlertLevel) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0Configuration
Gets the unmodifiable set of specific processor architecture results.
- getProcessorCores() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0
Gets the number of processor cores, hyperthreaded CPUs count as two.
- getProcessorCores() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomU
Gets the number of processor cores to allocate.
- getProcessorCoresResults(ResultHandler<? super Integer>, AlertLevel) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0Configuration
Gets the unmodifiable set of specific processor cores results.
- getProcessorSpeed() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0
Gets the processor speed in megahertz.
- getProcessorSpeedResults(ResultHandler<? super Integer>, AlertLevel) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0Configuration
Gets the unmodifiable set of specific processor speed results.
- getProcessorType() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0
- getProcessorTypeResults(ResultHandler<? super ProcessorType>, AlertLevel) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0Configuration
Gets the unmodifiable set of specific processor type results.
- getProcessorWeight() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomU
Gets the CPU weight (on a scale of 1-1024).
- getRam() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0
Gets the physical amount of RAM in megabytes.
- getRandomizeChildren() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ClusterOptimizer
When true, the search will randomize the list of children as it expands each node.
- getRequiresHvm() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomU
Gets if this DomU requires full hardware virtualization support.
- getRequiresHvmResults(ResultHandler<? super Boolean>, AlertLevel) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0Configuration
Gets the unmodifiable list of specific requires HVM results.
- getSecondaryDom0() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUConfiguration
Gets the current secondary Dom0 for this machine.
- getSecondaryPhysicalVolumeConfigurations() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUDiskConfiguration
Gets the unmodifiable sorted list of physical volumes that back this device.
- getSecondaryRam() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomU
Gets the amount of RAM needed in secondary mode (in MB) or -1 for no secondary mode required.
- getSecondaryRamResults(ResultHandler<? super Integer>, AlertLevel) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedDom0Configuration
Gets the secondary RAM allocation results.
- getSupportsHvm() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0
Gets if the system supports full hardware virtualization.
- getTransition() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ListElement
Gets the transition, this is null for the initial state.
- getValue() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.BooleanResult
Gets the current value for the resource.
- getValue() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.IntResult
Gets the current value for the resource.
- getValue() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.ObjectResult
Gets the current value for the resource or
if unavailable. - getValue() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.Result
Gets the current value for the resource or
if unavailable. - getWeight() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUDisk
Gets the allocation weight in the range of 1-1024.
- handleOptimizedClusterConfiguration(ListElement, long) - Method in interface com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.OptimizedClusterConfigurationHandler
Handles one result.
- handleResult(Result<?>) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ExponentialDeviationHeuristicFunction
- handleResult(Result<?>) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ExponentialDeviationWithNoneHeuristicFunction
- handleResult(Result<?>) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.ExponentialHeuristicFunction
- handleResult(Result<?>) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.LinearHeuristicFunction
- handleResult(Result<?>) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.SimpleHeuristicFunction
- handleResult(Result<? extends T>) - Method in interface com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.ResultHandler
Each result is provided as it is generated instead of building into lists.
- hasCritical() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedClusterConfiguration
Determines if this has at least one result with AlertLevel of CRITICAL.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ClusterConfiguration
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUConfiguration
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUDiskConfiguration
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfiguration
- HeuristicFunction - Interface in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize
generates a heuristic value for a providedAnalyzedCluster
. - HIGH - Enum constant in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AlertLevel
Generally indicates the resources is runnable with significantly degraded reliability.
- I686 - Enum constant in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ProcessorArchitecture
- indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.UnmodifiableArrayList
- IntResult - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze
Stores an AlertLevel, a value, and a textual message.
- isOptimal() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedClusterConfiguration
Determines if this is optimal, meaning all results have AlertLevel of NONE.
- isPrimaryDom0Locked() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomU
Gets if this VM is manually locked to this Dom0.
- isSecondaryDom0Locked() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomU
Gets if this VM is manually locked to this Dom0.
- LeastInformedHeuristicFunction - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize
This simply returns g if the cluster is optimal or g+1 if it is optimal.
- LeastInformedHeuristicFunction() - Constructor for class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.LeastInformedHeuristicFunction
- LinearHeuristicFunction - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize
Adds up all the non-optimal states of the analyzed cluster giving more weight to higher level problems.
- LinearHeuristicFunction() - Constructor for class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.LinearHeuristicFunction
- ListElement - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize
A list element.
- liveMigrate(DomU) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ClusterConfiguration
Swaps the primary and secondary for the provided DomU and returns the new cluster configuration.
- LOW - Enum constant in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AlertLevel
Generally indicates the resource is runnable but nonoptimal in some way that only slightly degrades performance and has no affect on reliability.
- MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AlertLevel
Generally indicates the resource is either runnable with significantly degraded performance or runnable with slightly degraded reliability.
- MigrateTransition - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize
A swap between primary and secondary.
- moveSecondary(DomU, Dom0) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ClusterConfiguration
Moves the secondary to another machine if it is possible to map all of the extents for the DomUDisks onto free physical volumes in Dom0.
- MoveSecondaryTransition - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize
A swap between primary and secondary.
- newInstance(PhysicalVolume, long, long, long) - Static method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfiguration
Creates a new PhysicalVolume of the appropriate type for the provided extents.
- NONE - Enum constant in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AlertLevel
Indicates the resource is optimal.
- ObjectResult<T> - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze
Stores an AlertLevel, a value, and a textual message.
- OptimizedClusterConfigurationHandler - Interface in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize
Accepts results from the optimized cluster.
- overlaps(PhysicalVolumeConfiguration) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfiguration
Returns true if either the logical or the physical extents overlap.
- P4 - Enum constant in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ProcessorType
- P4_XEON - Enum constant in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ProcessorType
- PhysicalVolume - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
One LVM physical volume.
- PhysicalVolumeConfiguration - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
One Xen domU disk to physical volume configuration.
- PhysicalVolumeConfigurationInt - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
A 32-bit implementation of PhysicalVolumeConfiguration to be used when all three extents fields fit into 32 bits and at least one value is greater than the 16-bit range.
- PhysicalVolumeConfigurationLong - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
A 64-bit implementation of PhysicalVolumeConfiguration to be used when any of the three extents fields do not fit into 32 bits.
- PhysicalVolumeConfigurationShort - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
A 16-bit implementation of PhysicalVolumeConfiguration to be used when all three extents fields fit into 16 bits.
- PIII - Enum constant in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ProcessorType
- print(Collection<AnalyzedClusterConfiguration>, PrintWriter, AlertLevel) - Static method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AnalyzedClusterConfigurationPrinter
Prints the given configuration.
- ProcessorArchitecture - Enum in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
Higher level processes may be substituted in place of lower processors without any effecting how optimal the cluster is configured.
- ProcessorType - Enum in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
Higher level processors may be substituded without effecting how optimal the cluster is.
- RandomHeuristicFunction - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize
This simply returns a random number between 0 and 1.
- RandomHeuristicFunction() - Constructor for class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.RandomHeuristicFunction
- Result<T> - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze
Stores an AlertLevel, a value, and a textual message.
- ResultHandler<T> - Interface in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze
Stores an AlertLevel, a value, and a textual message.
- SimpleHeuristicFunction - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize
Simply counts the non-optimal nodes, adds
to prefer shorter paths. - SimpleHeuristicFunction() - Constructor for class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.SimpleHeuristicFunction
- size() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.UnmodifiableArrayList
- toArray() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.UnmodifiableArrayList
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.UnmodifiableArrayList
- toString() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.Result
- toString() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Cluster
- toString() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ClusterConfiguration
- toString() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0
- toString() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.Dom0Disk
- toString() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomU
- toString() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUConfiguration
- toString() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUDisk
- toString() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.DomUDiskConfiguration
- toString() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.MigrateTransition
- toString() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize.MoveSecondaryTransition
- toString() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolume
- toString() - Method in class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.PhysicalVolumeConfiguration
- Transition - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.optimize
A transition is one of the possible conversions of clusterConfiguration state.
- UnmodifiableArrayList<E> - Class in com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster
An unmodifiable list backed by the provided array.
- UnmodifiableArrayList(E[]) - Constructor for class com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.UnmodifiableArrayList
Wraps the given array directly, no defensive copy.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AlertLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ProcessorArchitecture
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ProcessorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.analyze.AlertLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ProcessorArchitecture
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ProcessorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- X86_64 - Enum constant in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ProcessorArchitecture
- XEON_LV - Enum constant in enum com.aoindustries.aoserv.cluster.ProcessorType
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