
Sets up the request and response, then writes all of the HTML preceding and following the content of the page.

Tag Information

Tag Class: com.aoindustries.web.struts.skintags.SkinTag
TagExtraInfo Class: com.aoindustries.web.struts.skintags.SkinTagTEI
Body Content: JSP
Display Name: None


Name Required Evaluation Type Description
serialization No Runtime String

When SGML, forces the content-type to be text/html. When XML, forces the content-type to be application/xhtml+xml. When auto (the default), the following steps are performed to resolve the serialization:

  1. Use the serialization active on the current request.
  2. Use the application context-param com.aoapps.encoding.Serialization.default that allows an application to control the selection of HTML versus XHTML.
  3. When this context-param is unspecified or auto, determine the serialization based on the client's Accept header.

This should normally be left with the default value of auto. This is used when the content is known to contain invalid markup that can not be parsed as XML.

doctype No Runtime String

The <!DOCTYPE> to use, must be one of default, HTML5, STRICT, TRANSITIONAL, FRAMESET, or NONE. Defaults to HTML5. NONE will suppress the output of a doctype.

When default, the following steps are performed to resolve the doctype:

  1. Use the doctype active on the current request.
  2. Use the application context-param com.aoapps.encoding.Doctype.default that allows an application to control the default doctype.
  3. When this context-param is unspecified or default, defaults to HTML5.
autonli No Runtime String

When true, enables automatic newline (and tab indentation when enabled). When false, disables automatic newline and tab indentation. When auto (the default), the following steps are performed to resolve the autonli setting:

  1. Use the autonli setting active on the current request.
  2. Use the application context-param com.aoapps.html.servlet.DocumentEE.autonli that allows an application to control the default autonli setting.
  3. When this context-param is unspecified or auto, defaults to false.
indent No Runtime String

When true, enables tab indentation. When false, disables tab indentation. When auto (the default), the following steps are performed to resolve the indent setting:

  1. Use the indent setting active on the current request.
  2. Use the application context-param com.aoapps.html.servlet.DocumentEE.indent that allows an application to control the default indent setting.
  3. When this context-param is unspecified or auto, defaults to false.
layout No Runtime String

Each page may request a specific layout from the skin implementation. The currently supported values are:

  • normal - This provides headers, footers, and full navigation. This is the default layout if no layout is specified.
  • minimal - This provides a minimal layout without any page navigation except headers and footers. This provides maximum area for the page content while still maintaining a consistent look and feel.
formtype No Runtime String

The type of form used in the page. The currently supported values are:

  • none (the default) - This page does not require any resources in the head.
  • struts1 - Adds /struts1/commons-validator-1.3.1-compress.js to <head> for Struts 1.
  • struts2 - <s:head /> within <head> for Struts 2.
onload No Runtime String

The JavaScript that will be placed in the onload attribute of the body tag.


No Variables Defined.