All Implemented Interfaces:
Monitor, Serializable, Remote

public class MonitorImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements Monitor
The main starting point for the monitor.
TODO: DNS lookups via dnsjava, cycle through all DNS entries slowly failed today (2019-09-13), so this is bumped up the list
       During this failure, TCP connections were stalled 15 seconds, then successful.
           So monitoring for connections taking over 10 seconds might also catch this failure mode.

 TODO: bind/named: rndc status

 TODO: Monitor PDU load levels

 TODO: Fan speed, CPU voltages, system/CPU temps (BMC) (Hardware Sensors)

 TODO: ECC reports

 TODO: Managed switches

 TODO: Watch /var/log/audit/audit.log for any SELinux denials or messages that indicate intrusion.

     Group servers by cluster and then by rack, can add power warning on rack node itself


 monitor available entropy
 monitor master stats, including shared entropy pool

 watch route scripts on gw1/gw2 pairs making sure consistent with each other
 watchdog to detect failure between RMI client and server
     handle failed RMI
 3ware, verify last battery test interval, test at least once a year
     same for LSI (PDList look for Media Error Count: non-zero)
 Monitor all syslog stuff for errors, split to separate logs for error, warning, info.  errors and higher to one file to monitor.
     watch for SMART status (May 20 04:42:31 xen907-5 smartd[3454]: Device: /dev/hde, 1 Offline uncorrectable sectors) in /var/log/messages
         smartd -q onecheck?
     watch for procmail/spamc failures in: /var/log/mail/info
         Dec  8 19:25:10 www3 sendmail[1795]: mB88rS9R029955: to=\\jl, delay=16:31:40, xdelay=00:00:04, mailer=local, pri=6962581,
                                                              dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: local mailer (/usr/bin/procmail) exited with EX_TEMPFAIL
 Watch the count of files in "/var/spool/aoserv/spamassassin" - a large number of files (not directories) indicates training failing.  Also watch parsed times.
 mrtg auto-check and graphs
 /proc/version against template
 Other hardware (temps, fans, ...)
    reboot detections using uptime? (or last command)
 port monitoring
     also enable port monitoring on all ports (including via aoserv-daemon)
     update all code and procedures that adds net_binds to start them all as monitored
     maximum alert level based on account level?
     monitor the ports on all IP addresses (including, minimize use of wildcard to reduce monitoring rate - or monitor on separate node for
 AOServ data integrity?
 AOServ Daemon errors and warnings
 DNS, forward and reverse (non-AO name servers)
     Also query each nameserver for all expected values slowly over time
 kernel parameters (/proc/sys/...)
     shared memory segments
 other stuff that used to be in server reports
 smart monitoring?
   make sure backups not going to the same primary or secondary physical machine
   low priority if successful but scanned 0 (like no backups configured)
     mysql myisam corruption (check table ... quick fast)
     credit card scanner from aoserv-daemon
 distro scans
 software updates (could we auto-search for them)?
 snapshot-backups space and timing (adpserver)
 jilter state
 aoserv daemon/master/website errors (and anything else that used to get emailed to address)
 sendmail queues
     watch for files older than 7 days to help keep things clean - eventually delete outright?
     watch for growing - this is a sign of a problem
 nmap - other tools that Mark Akins uses - nessus
 domain registration expiration :)
 apache (make sure no empty apache logs after rotate !)

 max latency setting on a per-server basis (or per netdevice) - or a hierachy server_farms, server, net_device, ip_address

 TODO: Log history and persist over time?  Simple files to disk?  Locking to prevent multiple JVM's corrupting?
       server_reports-style logging?

 Need to monitor log rotation success states (big log files built-up on keepandshare and awstats broken as a result)

      configurable limits per alert level
      based on 5-minute averages, sampled every minute, will take up to 9 minutes to alert

   snapshot space

 Monitor syslog for ECC errors (at least for i5000 module with most recent 2.6.18-92.1.10+ kernels).  See wiki page for

 Monitor all SSL certificates, ours and customers, could have on a single SSL
 Certificates node per server, perhaps?  Read from filesystem or connect to port?
     Make part of port monitoring

 3ware/BIOS firmware version monitoring?
 LSI monitoring (MegaCli LdInfo/PdList, battery monitoring, too)?

 UPS Monitor:
      battery calibration once a year or when load is increased
      Perhaps just as a procedure - how to schedule in NOC interface?

 Open Resolvers:

 Process Monitoring
      Any process linked to libraries or binaries that do not match current on-disk: This might mean a process needs restarted to have latest security updates.

 PostgreSQL and MySQL concurrency monitoring, too, like Apache instances
      Certain application pool sizes, too, such as Tomcat and custom applications (aoserv-master)?

 Tomcat Manager monitoring

 Tomcat Log file monitoring (watch tomcat log files for key things like OutOfMemoryError and "Too many open files" (and translations?)
 Watch the jvm_crashes.log file?

 Integrate NOC with Amazon Cloud Watch

 Monitor for certificates issued in domains that are not expected.
     Jonathon Moldenhaur described how there are lists of certificates issued.
AO Industries, Inc.
See Also: