All Classes and Interfaces
The different alert categories in the system.
Encapsulates the results of changing alert level or category.
The different alert levels in the system.
Encapsulates a throughput in bits/second.
Encapsulates a size in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, ...
Gets a serializable snapshot of a node, including all of its children.
Encapsulates any type of result.
Encapsulates a single result from a single result check.
Notified when results are available.
Encapsulates a single result, this will be a single row in the
table showing the current and history.
Notified when results are available.
Encapsulates the results that may be in a table, including table columns headers and rows.
Notified when results are available.
Encapsulates a time and an optional time zone.
Notified when the tree is modified.
Field descriptions copied from