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The mysql_server_users table contains all the server-specific information about a mysql_user


pkeypkeyfalsetruemysql_db_users.mysql_server_user1.0a100a generated primary key
usernamemysql_usernamefalsefalsemysql_users.username1.80.0the username
mysql_serverfkeyfalsefalsemysql_servers.bind1.4the pkey of the MySQL server
hoststringfalsefalse1.69the host this user is allowed to connect from, if this is not null, all access is restricted to these hosts, otherwise the entries in mysql_db_users and mysql_hosts are used.
disable_logfkeytruefalsedisable_log.pkey1.0a100indicates that this account is disabled
predisable_passwordstringtruefalse1.0a100the password used before the account was disabled
max_questionsintfalsefalse1.4the maximum number of questions to this database server, 0 means unlimited
max_updatesintfalsefalse1.4the maximum number of updates to this database server, 0 means unlimited
max_connectionsintfalsefalse1.0a111the maximum number of connections to this database server, 0 means unlimited
max_user_connectionsintfalsefalse1.4the maximum number of user connections to this database server, 0 means unlimited