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Global Commands
clear clears the screen
echo echoes the parameters to standard output
exit exits the shell
invalidate globally invalidates a table
jobs lists all of the background processes
ping times the communication with the server
repeat repeatedly executes a command
su switches to a different user
time times a command
whoami displays who is logged in
AOServ Servers
get_mrtg_file gets a file from the MRTG report directory
get_ups_status gets the status of the UPS powering this server
restart_apache restarts the Apache web server
restart_cron restarts the cron daemon
restart_xfs restarts the X Font Server
restart_xvfb restarts the X Virtual Frame Buffer
start_apache starts the Apache web server
start_cron starts the cron daemon
start_xfs starts the X Font Server
start_xvfb starts the X Virtual Frame Buffer
stop_apache stops the Apache web server
stop_cron stops the cron daemon
stop_xfs stops the X Font Server
stop_xvfb stops the X Virtual Frame Buffer
AOSH Commands
? displays the help screen
help displays the help screen
Backup Partitions
get_backup_partition_total_size gets the total size of a backup partition
get_backup_partition_used_size gets the disk space used on a backup partition
Blackhole Email Addresses
remove_blackhole_email_address stops emails from being discarded to /dev/null
Business Administrators
add_business_administrator adds a business administrator to the list of people who may maintain the account
check_business_administrator_password checks the format of a password for a business administrator
crypt encrypts a password as used in Apache password lists
disable_business_administrator disables a business administrator account
enable_business_administrator enables a business administrator account
is_business_administrator_password_set determines if a business administrator password is set
remove_business_administrator removes the administrative access for a user
set_business_administrator_password sets the password used for administrative access
set_business_administrator_profile sets the profile associated with a business administrator
Business Profiles
add_business_profile adds a new business profile to a business
add_business adds a new business to the system
cancel_business cancels a business
check_accounting checks the format of an accounting code
disable_business disables a business and everything in it, except its business administrators
enable_business enables a business and everything in it
generate_accounting generates a unique accounting code based on a template
get_root_business gets the name of the root business in the business tree
is_accounting_available checks the availability of an accounting code
move_business moves all of the resources for one business from one server to another server
set_business_accounting changes the accounting code that uniquely identifies a business
Business Servers
add_business_server grants a business access to a server
remove_business_server removes a business' access to a server
set_default_business_server sets the default server for a business
Credit Cards
decline_credit_card declines and disables a credit card
remove_credit_card removes a credit card from a business
CVS Repositories
add_cvs_repository adds a CVS repository to a server
disable_cvs_repositories disables a CVS repository
enable_cvs_repositories enables a CVS repository
remove_cvs_repository removes a CVS repository from a server
set_cvs_repository_mode sets the directory permissions of a CVS repository
Distro Files
start_distro starts the distribution verification on a server
DNS Records
add_dns_record adds a record to a name server zone
remove_dns_record removes a record from a name server zone
DNS Zones
add_dns_zone adds a zone to the name servers
check_dns_zone checks the format of a zone name
is_dns_zone_available checks the availability of a DNS zone
print_zone_file generates a zone file
remove_dns_zone removes a zone from the name servers
set_dns_zone_ttl sets the default TTL value for a name server zone
Email Addresses
check_email_address checks the format of an email address
remove_email_address removes an email address and all associated resources
Email Domains
add_email_domain adds a new email domain
check_email_domain checks the format of an email domain
is_email_domain_available checks the availability of an email domain
remove_email_domain removes an email domain and all associated email addresses
Email Forwarding
add_email_forwarding attaches a forwarding address to an email address
remove_email_forwarding detaches a forwarding address from an email address
Email List Addresses
add_email_list_address attaches an email address to an email list
remove_email_list_address detaches an email address from an email list
Email Lists
add_email_list adds a new email list
check_email_list_path checks the format of an email list path
disable_email_list disables an email list
enable_email_list enables an email list
get_email_list gets the list of addresses for a list
remove_email_list removes an email list
set_email_list sets the list of addresses for a list
Email Pipe Addresses
add_email_pipe_address attaches an email address to an email pipe
remove_email_pipe_address detaches an email address from an email pipe
Email Pipes
add_email_pipe adds a new email pipe
disable_email_pipe disables an email pipe
enable_email_pipe enables an email pipe
remove_email_pipe removes an email pipe
Email SMTP Relays
add_email_smtp_relay adds a SMTP relay rule
disable_email_smtp_relay disables a SMTP access rule
enable_email_smtp_relay enables a SMTP access rule
refresh_email_smtp_relay refreshes a SMTP access rule
remove_email_smtp_relay removes a SMTP access rule
Failover File Replications
get_failover_file_replication_activity gets the most recently reported replication activity
File Backup Settings
add_file_backup_setting creates a new FileBackupSetting
remove_file_backup_setting removes a FileBackupSetting
set_file_backup_setting sets the values in a FileBackupSetting
FTP Guest Users
add_ftp_guest_user adds a new FTP guest user
remove_ftp_guest_user removes a FTP guest user
Httpd JBoss Sites
add_httpd_jboss_site creates a new web site space running a JBoss configuration
Httpd Servers
get_httpd_server_concurrency gets the current concurrency of an HTTP server instance
Httpd Shared Tomcats
add_httpd_shared_tomcat adds a new Multi-Site Tomcat JVM to a server
check_shared_tomcat_name checks the format of a Multi-Site Tomcat JVM name
disable_httpd_shared_tomcat disables a Multi-Site Tomcat JVM
enable_httpd_shared_tomcat enables a Multi-Site Tomcat JVM
generate_shared_tomcat_name generates a unique Multi-Site Tomcat JVM name based on a template
is_shared_tomcat_name_available determines if a name may be used for a Multi-Site Tomcat JVM
remove_httpd_shared_tomcat removes a multi-site Tomcat JVM from the servers
set_httpd_shared_tomcat_auto_deploy sets the autoDeploy setting for a Multi-Site Tomcat installation
set_httpd_shared_tomcat_is_manual sets the is_manual flag for a Multi-Site Tomcat JVM
set_httpd_shared_tomcat_max_post_size sets the maxPostSize setting for a Multi-Site Tomcat installation
set_httpd_shared_tomcat_unpack_wars sets the unpackWARs setting for a Multi-Site Tomcat installation
set_httpd_shared_tomcat_version sets the Tomcat version for a Multi-Site Tomcat installation
web.tomcat.SharedTomcat.maxParameterCount.set sets the maxParameterCount setting for a Multi-Site Tomcat installation
web.tomcat.SharedTomcat.tomcatAuthentication.set sets the tomcatAuthentication setting for a Multi-Site Tomcat installation
web.tomcat.SharedTomcat.undeployOldVersions.set sets the undeployOldVersions setting for a Multi-Site Tomcat installation
Httpd Site Authenticated Locations
add_httpd_site_authenticated_location adds an authenticated location to a web site
set_httpd_site_authenticated_location_attributes updates an authenticated location on a web site
Httpd Site Binds
disable_httpd_site_bind disables one network port of a web site
enable_httpd_site_bind enables one network port of a web site
set_httpd_site_bind_is_manual sets the is_manual flag for one network port of a web site
set_httpd_site_bind_redirect_to_primary_hostname sets the redirect_to_primary_hostname flag for one network port of a web site
Httpd Site URLs
add_httpd_site_url adds a hostname to a web site
remove_httpd_site_url removes a hostname from a web site
set_primary_httpd_site_url sets the primary hostname for one specific IP address and port
Httpd Sites
check_site_name checks the format of a site name
disable_httpd_site disables a web site, including its Java virtual machine and all network ports
enable_httpd_site enables a web site, including its Java virtual machine and all network ports
generate_site_name generates a unique site name based on a template
get_awstats_file gets a file from the AWStats report
is_site_name_available determines if a site name is available
remove_httpd_site removes a web site from the servers
set_httpd_site_block_core_dumps sets the block_core_dumps flag for a web site
set_httpd_site_block_editor_backups sets the block_editor_backups flag for a web site
set_httpd_site_block_scm sets the block_scm flag for a web site
set_httpd_site_block_trace_track sets the block_trace_track flag for a web site
set_httpd_site_enable_anonymous_ftp sets the enable_anonymous_ftp flag for a web site
set_httpd_site_enable_cgi sets the enable_cgi flag for a web site
set_httpd_site_enable_follow_symlinks sets the enable_follow_symlinks flag for a web site
set_httpd_site_enable_htaccess sets the enable_htaccess flag for a web site
set_httpd_site_enable_indexes sets the enable_indexes flag for a web site
set_httpd_site_enable_ssi sets the enable_ssi flag for a web site
set_httpd_site_is_manual sets the is_manual flag for a web site
set_httpd_site_php_version sets the PHP version for a web site
set_httpd_site_server_admin sets the administrative email address for a web site
wait_for_httpd_site_rebuild waits for any pending or processing changes to complete
Httpd Tomcat Contexts
add_httpd_tomcat_context adds a context (webapp) to a Tomcat site
remove_httpd_tomcat_context removes a context (webapp) from a Tomcat site
set_httpd_tomcat_context_attributes sets the attributes for a context (webapp) on a Tomcat site
Httpd Tomcat Data Sources
add_httpd_tomcat_data_source adds a data source to a Tomcat context (webapp)
remove_httpd_tomcat_data_source removes a data source from a Tomcat context (webapp)
update_httpd_tomcat_data_source updates a Tomcat context (webapp) data source
Httpd Tomcat Parameters
add_httpd_tomcat_parameter adds a parameter to a Tomcat context (webapp)
remove_httpd_tomcat_parameter removes a parameter from a Tomcat context (webapp)
update_httpd_tomcat_parameter updates a Tomcat context (webapp) parameter
Httpd Tomcat Site JK Mounts
add_httpd_tomcat_site_jk_mount adds a JkMount or JkUnMount to a Tomcat site
remove_httpd_tomcat_site_jk_mount removes a JkMount or JkUnMount from a Tomcat site
Httpd Tomcat Sites
set_httpd_tomcat_site_block_webinf sets the block_webinf flag for a Tomcat-enabled web site
set_httpd_tomcat_site_use_apache sets the use_apache flag for a Tomcat-enabled web site
start_jvm starts the Java VM
stop_jvm stops the Java VM
Httpd Tomcat Shared Sites
add_httpd_tomcat_shared_site creates a new web site space running a shared Tomcat configuration
Httpd Tomcat Std Sites
add_httpd_tomcat_std_site creates a new web site space running a standard Tomcat configuration
set_httpd_tomcat_std_site_auto_deploy sets the autoDeploy setting for a standard Tomcat installation
set_httpd_tomcat_std_site_max_post_size sets the maxPostSize setting for a standard Tomcat installation
set_httpd_tomcat_std_site_unpack_wars sets the unpackWARs setting for a standard Tomcat installation
set_httpd_tomcat_std_site_version sets the Tomcat version for a standard Tomcat installation
web.tomcat.PrivateTomcatSite.maxParameterCount.set sets the maxParameterCount setting for a standard Tomcat installation
web.tomcat.PrivateTomcatSite.tomcatAuthentication.set sets the tomcatAuthentication setting for a standard Tomcat installation
web.tomcat.PrivateTomcatSite.undeployOldVersions.set sets the undeployOldVersions setting for a standard Tomcat installation
IP Addresses
is_ip_address_used determines if an IP address is currently in use
move_ip_address moves an IP address to a new server
set_ip_address_dhcp_address sets the new IP address for a DHCP-enabled device
set_ip_address_hostname sets the hostname associated with an IP address
set_ip_address_package sets the package ownership of an IP address
IP Address Monitoring
set_ip_address_monitoring_enabled enables or disables the monitoring of an IP address
IP Reputation Sets
add_ip_reputation adds reputation for a host and its network
Linux Account Addresses
add_linux_acc_address attaches an email address to a Linux account
remove_linux_acc_address detaches an email address from a Linux account
Linux Accounts
add_linux_account adds a new Linux account
are_linux_account_passwords_set determines if <b>all</b>, <b>some</b>, or <b>none</b> of the passwords for a Linux account are set
check_linux_account_name checks the format of a Linux account full name
check_linux_account_password checks the format of a password for a Linux account
disable_linux_account disables a Linux account and removes its access to all servers
enable_linux_account enables a Linux account and restores its access to all servers
generate_password generates a random, valid password
remove_linux_account removes a Linux account from all servers
set_linux_account_home_phone sets the home phone number for a Linux account
set_linux_account_name sets the full name for a Linux account
set_linux_account_office_location sets the office location for a Linux account
set_linux_account_office_phone sets the office phone number for a Linux account
set_linux_account_password sets the password for a Linux account on all servers
set_linux_account_shell sets the shell used by a Linux account
wait_for_linux_account_rebuild waits for any pending or current server config rebuild to complete
Linux Group Accounts
add_linux_group_account grants a Linux account access to a Linux group
remove_linux_group_account revokes access of a Linux account to a Linux group
set_primary_linux_group_account sets the primary Linux group associated with a Linux account
Linux Groups
add_linux_group adds a new Linux group
check_linux_group_name checks validity of a Linux group name
is_linux_group_name_available check availability Linux group name
remove_linux_group removes a Linux group
Linux Server Accounts
add_linux_server_account grants a Linux account access to a server
compare_linux_server_account_password compares the provided password to the password on the server
copy_home_directory copies the contents of a home directory from one server to another
copy_linux_server_account_password copies the password of one Linux account to another account
disable_linux_server_account disables a Linux account on one server
enable_linux_server_account enables a Linux account on one server
get_autoresponder_content gets the message body of an autoresponder
get_cron_table gets the contents of a user cron table
get_imap_folder_sizes gets the file sizes for IMAP folders
get_inbox_attributes gets the attributes of an email inbox
is_linux_server_account_password_set determines if a Linux account password is set
is_linux_server_account_procmail_manual determines if a Linux account is in manual procmail mode
remove_linux_server_account removes a Linux account from a server
set_autoresponder configures an autoresponder
set_cron_table sets the contents of a user cron table
set_linux_server_account_junk_email_retention sets the number of days emails will remain in the Junk folder
set_linux_server_account_password sets the password for a Linux account on one server
set_linux_server_account_spamassassin_integration_mode sets the behavior of the SpamAssassin filters
set_linux_server_account_spamassassin_required_score sets the required score for the SpamAssassin filters
set_linux_server_account_trash_email_retention sets the number of days emails will remain in the Trash folder
set_linux_server_account_use_inbox sets whether or not email will be stored in the inbox
Linux Server Groups
add_linux_server_group adds a Linux group to a server
remove_linux_server_group removes a Linux group from a server
Majordomo Lists
add_majordomo_list adds a new Majordomo list
check_majordomo_list_name checks the format of a Majordomo list name
get_majordomo_info_file gets the info file for a Majordomo list
get_majordomo_intro_file gets the intro file for a Majordomo list
set_majordomo_info_file sets the info file for a Majordomo list
set_majordomo_intro_file sets the intro file for a Majordomo list
Majordomo Servers
add_majordomo_server adds a new Majordomo server
remove_majordomo_server remvoes a Majordomo server
MySQL Databases
add_mysql_database adds a new MySQL database
check_mysql_database_name checks the format of a MySQL database name
dump_mysql_database dumps the contents of a MySQL database
generate_mysql_database_name generates a unique MySQL database name
is_mysql_database_name_available determines if a MySQL database name is available
remove_mysql_database removes a MySQL database
wait_for_mysql_database_rebuild waits for any pending or current MySQL database config rebuilds to complete
MySQL DB Users
add_mysql_db_user grants a MySQL user permission to access a MySQL database
remove_mysql_db_user removes a MySQL user's access to a MySQL database
wait_for_mysql_db_user_rebuild waits for any pending or current MySQL permission config rebuilds to complete
MySQL Server Users
add_mysql_server_user adds a MySQL user to a server
disable_mysql_server_user disables a MySQL account on one server
enable_mysql_server_user enables a MySQL account on one server
is_mysql_server_user_password_set determines if a MySQL account password is set
remove_mysql_server_user removes a MySQL user from a server
set_mysql_server_user_password sets the password for a MySQL user on one server
MySQL Servers
check_mysql_server_name checks the format of a MySQL server name
is_mysql_server_name_available determines if a MySQL server name is available
restart_mysql restarts the MySQL database server
start_mysql starts the MySQL database server
stop_mysql stops the MySQL database server
wait_for_mysql_server_rebuild waits for any pending or current database server config rebuilds to complete
MySQL Users
add_mysql_user adds a MySQL user to the system
are_mysql_user_passwords_set determines if <b>all</b>, <b>some</b>, or <b>none</b> of the passwords for a MySQL account are set
check_mysql_password checks the format of a password for a MySQL user
check_mysql_username checks the format of a MySQL username
disable_mysql_user disables a MySQL account on all servers
enable_mysql_user enables a MySQL account on all servers
remove_mysql_user removes a MySQL user from the system
set_mysql_user_password sets the password for a MySQL user on all servers
wait_for_mysql_user_rebuild waits for any pending or current MySQL user config rebuilds to complete
Net Binds
add_net_bind adds a net binds to the system
remove_net_bind removes a net binds from the system
set_net_bind_firewalld_zones sets the enabled firewalld zones for this port
set_net_bind_monitoring_enabled enables or disables the monitoring of this port
Notice Log
add_notice_log adds a notice log entry to a business
add_package adds a new package to a business
disable_package disables a package and everything in it, except its business administrators
enable_package enables a package and everything in it
generate_package_name generates a unique package name based on a template
is_package_name_available checks the availability of a package name
PostgreSQL Databases
add_postgres_database adds a new PostgreSQL database
check_postgres_database_name checks the format of a PostgreSQL database name
dump_postgres_database dumps the contents of a PostgreSQL database
generate_postgres_database_name generates a unique PostgreSQL database name
is_postgres_database_name_available determines if a PostgreSQL database name is available
remove_postgres_database removes a PostgreSQL database
wait_for_postgres_database_rebuild waits for any pending or current database config rebuilds to complete
PostgreSQL Server Users
add_postgres_server_user adds a PostgreSQL user to a server
disable_postgres_server_user disables a PostgreSQL account on one server
enable_postgres_server_user enables a PostgreSQL account on one server
is_postgres_server_user_password_set determines if a PostgreSQL account password is set
remove_postgres_server_user removes a PostgreSQL user from a server
set_postgres_server_user_password sets the password for a PostgreSQL user on one server
PostgreSQL Servers
check_postgres_server_name checks the format of a PostgreSQL server name
is_postgres_server_name_available determines if a PostgreSQL server name is available
restart_postgresql restarts the PostgreSQL database server
start_postgresql starts the PostgreSQL database server
stop_postgresql stops the PostgreSQL database server
wait_for_postgres_server_rebuild waits for any pending or current database server config rebuilds to complete
PostgreSQL Users
add_postgres_user adds a PostgreSQL user to the system
are_postgres_user_passwords_set determines if <b>all</b>, <b>some</b>, or <b>none</b> of the passwords for a PostgreSQL account are set
check_postgres_password checks the format of a password for a PostgreSQL user
check_postgres_username checks the format of a PostgreSQL username
disable_postgres_user disables a PostgreSQL account on all servers
enable_postgres_user enables a PostgreSQL account on all servers
remove_postgres_user removes a PostgreSQL user from the system
set_postgres_user_password sets the password for a PostgreSQL user on all servers
wait_for_postgres_user_rebuild waits for any pending or current database user config rebuilds to complete
Schema Tables
desc describes the structure of a table
describe describes the structure of a table
select selects rows and columns from a table
show shows information about tables
add_backup_server adds a new backup server
Spam Email Messages
add_spam_email_message adds a spam email message to the database
SSL Certificates
pki.Certificate.check checks an SSL certificate status
billing.Transaction.add adds a new transaction to an account
add_username adds a new username
are_username_passwords_set determines if <b>all</b>, <b>some</b>, or <b>none</b> of the passwords for a username are set
check_username checks the format of a username
check_username_password checks the format of a password for a Username
disable_username disables a username and accounts using it, except its business administrator
enable_username enables a username and accounts using it
is_username_available checks the availability of a username
remove_username removes a username from the system
set_username_password sets the password for a Username on all services
Virtual Disks
verify_virtual_disk begins a verification of the redundancy of the virtual disk
Virtual Servers
create_virtual_server calls "xl create" on the current primary physical server
destroy_virtual_server calls "xl destroy" on the current primary physical server
get_primary_physical_server gets the physical server that is currently the primary node for this virtual server
get_secondary_physical_server gets the physical server that is currently the secondary node for this virtual server
get_virtual_server_status calls "xl list" to get the current state on the current primary physical server
pause_virtual_server calls "xl pause" on the current primary physical server
reboot_virtual_server calls "xl reboot" on the current primary physical server
shutdown_virtual_server calls "xl shutdown" on the current primary physical server
unpause_virtual_server calls "xl unpause" on the current primary physical server