Module com.aoindustries.web.struts
Package com.aoindustries.web.struts.signup
package com.aoindustries.web.struts.signup
ClassDescriptionProvides a simplified interface for obtaining localized values from the files.Keeps track of one possible server configuration.Managed6CompletedAction and Dedicated6CompletedAction both use this to setup the request attributes.Managed5Action and Dedicated5Action both use this to setup the request attributes.Managed2Action and Dedicated2Action both use this to setup the request attributes.Managed2Action and Dedicated2Action both use this to setup the request attributes.Utilities usable by any signup step.Managed3Action and Dedicated3Action both use this to setup the request attributes.ManagedAction and DedicatedAction both use this to setup the request attributes.ManagedAction and DedicatedAction both use this to setup the request attributes.Managed4Action and Dedicated4Action both use this to setup the request attributes.