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Dedicated Servers
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Dedicated Servers
Dedicated Servers provide the lowest cost option for complete isolation from other customers. They are also the most versatile because they can run any operating system and provide the customer with full root or Administrator access. However, this access and versatility also means more complexity. The operating system and application configuration and maintenance must be performed by the customer. Dedicated Servers are best suited for individuals and businesses that are well versed in maintaining the operating systems of their choice.

Low Cost

Dedicated Servers are the lowest cost option because we only need to recover our costs for hardware, rack space, and networking. For us, Dedicated Servers are a long-term investment due to the high initial costs and low monthly revenue. But the advantages to the customer are no set-up fees, no initial costs, and low monthly rates.


Our Dedicated Servers can support any operating system, provide the customer with full root or Administrator access, and allow the customer to install any software. This combination creates our most versatile server platform. However, this versatility comes at the cost of complexity and responsibility, making Dedicated Servers best for experienced system administrators.

High-Quality Hardware

We choose to only support high-quality hardware. This means higher initial costs for us, but lowers the long-term total cost of ownership (TCO) due to added reliability and greater longevity before upgrades become necessary. All of our servers support redundant hard drive configurations (RAID), use high-quality parts, and do not typically include lower cost, lower reliability, or lower performance options such as AMD or Intel Celeron processors.

Data Centers

Customers may choose the datacenter to house their server. When using multiple servers they may house each server in a different physical location for geographically-isolated clustering configurations. One may currently choose between Kansas City, MO, Fremont, CA, and Amsterdam, Netherlands.


By default, Dedicated Servers are provided with a separate port on one of our 24-port managed switches. These switches, in turn, are connected to our redundant firewalls via separate Gigabit links. Our firewalls provide protection for all servers, and their settings can be customized to meet customer demand.


We provide DNS Services to all of our customers at no additional cost.

Dedicated Servers versus Managed Servers

If you want to focus on application development and deployment, without the continual concern for operating system and application infrastructure security and reliability, then a Managed Server is for you. If you want to have the most options at the lowest price, and have the time or manpower to maintain servers, then Dedicated Servers are your best choice.


To Sign-Up for a Dedicated Server, visit our Dedicated Server Sign-Up Form.
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