All Classes and Interfaces

The AoservDaemon starts all of the services that run inside the Java VM.
The configuration for all AOServ processes is stored in a properties file.
The AoservDaemonServer accepts connections from an SimpleAoservClient.
The AOServServerThread handles a connection once it is accepted.
Controls the configuration files for AWStats and provides access to the AWStats system.
The BackupManager handles the storing and retrieval of backup data from the backup partitions.
Handles the building of CVS repositories and configs.
Handles the building of CVS repositories, xinetd configs are handled by XinetdManager.
Reusable file utilities.
Watches the IP address of the server and tells the master when the IP address changes.
Encapsulates the output of the /bin/df command.
Creates the server distribution database contents.
Verifies the server distribution.
Handles the building of name server processes and files.
Manages email address configuration.
Handles the configuration of Fail2ban.
Handles the replication of data for the failover and backup system.
Handles the configuration of firewalld.
Handles the building of FTP configs and files.
Manages access to the /etc/group file.
Represents one line of the /etc/group file on a POSIX server.
Manages access to the /etc/gshadow file.
Represents one line of the /etc/gshadow file on a POSIX server.
Iterates through all files in /var/backup and creates hard links two or more matching files.
Manages Site configurations.
Manages all configuration and control over HTTP-related systems.
Operating system-specific configurations.
Manages HttpdServer configurations and control.
Manages SharedTomcat configurations.
Manages Site configurations.
Manages StaticSite configurations.
Manages Site configurations.
Any IMAP/Cyrus-specific features are here.
Helps install files.
Handles the IP reputation system.
Handles access to ipset.
ipset has a global namespace.
Writes new configuration files for the JilterConfiguration when AOServ tables have been updated.
TODO: Watch for changes in /etc/passwd and /etc/group and auto-run rebuild.
A PosixProcess represents a process running on any POSIX machine.
An LinuxServerEnvironment controls the backup system on an Server.
Encapsulates the output of the /proc/mdstat file.
Handles the building of name server processes and files.
Encapsulates the output of the /usr/bin/mysqladmin command.
Controls the MySQL databases.
Controls the MySQL databases.
Controls the MySQL DB Users.
Controls the MySQL Hosts.
Controls the MySQL servers.
Controls the MySQL Users.
Handles the building of IP address configs and files.
Encapsulates the output of the /bin/netstat -ln command.
Encapsulates the output of the /bin/netstat -s command.
Monitoring network traffic using the ip_counts command.
Manages the null route config file.
Operating system-specific configurations.
Manages the set of packages on a server.
Called when the package list is updated or first loaded.
The set of all managed package names.
Manages access to the /etc/passwd file.
Represents one line of the /etc/passwd file on a POSIX server.
Controls the pg_hba.conf files for the PostgreSQL installations.
The ServerManager controls stuff at a server level.
A PosixProcess represents a process running on any POSIX machine.
Uses the information available in /proc to determine the number of active PostgreSQL connections.
Controls the PostgreSQL server.
Controls the PostgreSQL servers.
Controls the PostgreSQL server.
Builds the .procmailrc configurations.
Encapsulates the output of the /proc/meminfo file.
Encapsulates the output of the /proc/net/dev file.
Encapsulates the output of the /proc/partitions file.
Encapsulates the output of the /proc/stat file.
Encapsulates the output of the /proc/PID/status files.
Encapsulates the output of the /proc/swaps file.
Encapsulates the output of the /proc/sys/fs files.
Watches the amount of entropy available in the system, obtains entropy from the master when running low, provides entropy to the master when has extra.
Manages the saslauthd service.
Builds the and files as necessary.
The ServerManager controls stuff at a server level.
Represents one service in the xinetd.d directory.
Manages access to the /etc/shadow file.
Represents one line of the /etc/shadow file on a POSIX server.
Controls access to the mail server, supports auto-expiring SMTP access.
Manages a group of SocketServer.
Handles incoming connections on one ServerSocket.
The primary purpose of the manager is to decouple the IMAP server from the SpamAssassin training.
TODO: Make this be a standard Unix-based cron job, outside aoserv-daemon package, so that functionality remains when aoserv-daemon disabled or uninstalled.
Handles the building of SSHD configs and files.
Indicates something may be stopped and started.
Provides static access to the logging facilities.
Configures the timezone settings in /etc/localtime and /etc/sysconfig/clock based on the settings in the ao_servers table.
Some common code for all installations of Tomcat.
Some common code for Tomcat 3.2.4
Some common code for Tomcat 3.X
Manages symbolic links for Tomcat installations.
Encapsulates the output of the /usr/bin/uptime command.
Manages shared aspects of SharedTomcat version 8.5 and above.
Some common code for all installations of Tomcat 8.5 and above.
The ServerManager controls stuff at a server level.
Handles the building of xinetd configs and files.
The ServerManager controls stuff at a server level.